The 3D Animation production pipeline

The 3D production pipeline


In this series of blogs I will go over the different stages of the 3d production pipeline.

What is it ?

A 3d production pipeline is the basic production line of most 3d productions.It is used to describe the streamlined process of development and production.Different companies and organizations have their own versions of the pipeline depending on their end goal, however for the most part the pipeline is usually broken up into three parts Pre production, production and Post production.


Preproduction is the first stage in the 3D production pipeline, here is where ideas are streamlined, shaped and refined before the production process. 3D models and videos detail every step and create a road map for the production process.(Veetil Digital Service, 2014)  

There are several elements that make up pre-production starting out with the idea for the production and moving to scripting and storyboarding followed by design and usually finished with previsualization, although these elements can vary depending on the people within the process and their end goals. For example 3d modeling can be part of the pre-production process as well as the main production line.   

3D Modeling

3d modeling is an important part of the production process, 3d Modeling is the process of creating the mesh objects that are used to represent the physical elements in your 3d environment.(Hix, 2016) it is done by using modeling programmes these programmes use polygons to create shapes and forms called a mesh. Polygons are made up of three elements; vertices,edges and faces. The creation and manipulation of these polygons is what makes up modeling process.


Gossman, R. (2011). The animation production process. Retrieved from

Hix, B. (2016, June 26). Making sense of the 3d production pipeline. Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Blender Unleashed,
pellacini, fabio. (2009). the 3D production pipeline. Retrieved from


Veetil Digital Service. (2014, September 30). Pre-production, Production & Post-production Process in 3D Animation. Retrieved February 10, 2017, from Slide share,

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